SOME publications
Sample Reports and Publications - Sarah Tilt
Sample Reports and Publications - Whitney Tilt
Finding Our Way Out—Restoring Our Vital Link to Nature.
PERC Reports, Property & Environment Research Center (Fall/Winter 2009).
Sample Mobile Apps
Fishes of Montana
A guide to the more than 90 species of fish found in Montana.
Available June 2019
Video Promo Here
"To save every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering."
History of Conservation in the United States.
Interactive online course for Montana Hunter Advancement and Guiding for the Future programs (2019).
Call for an Upper Yellowstone River Partnership
Presentation to the Yellowstone River Symposium (2017).
A Conservationist Looks Back at Lobos.
New West, February 25, 2008.
Creating Successful Collaborations in the West: Lessons from the Field.
In The Colorado Plateau III, Integrating Research and Resource Management for Effective Conservation (2008). Lead author.
Building Public and Private Partnerships.
In Watershed Restoration: Principles and Practices (1997). Co-author.
Putting Legal Settlement Funds to Work for Conservation.
Wildlife Law News Quarterly (2000).
Moving Beyond the Past: a Grant-maker's Vision for Effective Environmental Education.
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1996).
Moving Endangered Species Management from Conflict to Cooperation.
Trans. 60th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference (1995).
Partnerships: Innovative Strategies for Wildlife Conservation.
Wildlife Society Bulletin (1995). Co-author.
Environmental Leadership, Island Press (1993).
Biopolitics of Endangered Species.
Endangered Species Update (1989).
From Whaling to Whalewatching.
Trans. 52nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference (1987).
Wolf Recovery in the Northern Rocky Mountain.
National Audubon Society (1987). Co-author
Long Island Sound's Biggest Problem: Education.
New York Times (September 23, 1984).
Dredging Issue Splits the Sound.
New York Times (April 18, 1982).
Strategic Vision for Fish and Aquatic Resources and Activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council (2013). 104 pages. Report author.
Natural Resource Damage Assessment of the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon Incident.
Year One Report. Gulf Coast Restoration Organization (2011). 27 pages. Co-author; client work product.
Stewardship Audit of the Yellowstone Club, Phase I Report.
Yellowstone Club, Big Sky, Montana. 99 pages + exhibits. Client work product.
Programmatic Evaluation, Activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries Program, FY 2005-2009.
Washington, DC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 209 pages.
Programmatic Assessment of the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, FY 2007-2009.
Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council (2010). 187 pages.
An Independent Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wildlife Refuge System, Summary Overview.
Management Systems International (2008). Senior Evaluator and Report co-author. 50 pages.
Getting Federal Land Management Agencies to the Collaborative Table: Barriers and Remedies.
White Paper presented to Department of the Interior “4-Cs” Committee (2005). 13 pages.
Model for Success: The Save the Tiger Fund, 1995-2002 (2002).
National Fish Habitat Action Plan.
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (2006). Primary author and consultant. 27 pages.
Partnership Agenda for Fisheries Conservation: A Special Report.
Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council (2002). Committee member and report co-author. 34 pages.
Saving a System in Peril: A Special Report on the National Fish Hatchery System.
Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council (2000). Committee member and report co-author.
"When one tugs at a single thing in nature... he finds it attached to the rest of the world."